The Safety Show was a devised performance created by the students of DramaTech. I collaborated with the performers to create a mobile app that afforded a shared augmented reality scenography for the performance. Users, each with their own phone, had access to a unified mixed reality that the live actors used as part of their stories.
The show was written by and for students who also ran the show. It grew out of a public arts campaign on the Georgia Institue of Technology's campus entitled, "I Feel Safe When". Students used their own, as well as stories collected through the campaign, to write the script.
The experimental theater experience provided insight into how mixed reality scenography might be effectively used as part of performance in a black box theater. In addition to the mixed reality, actors' performances were recorded digitally with motion capture technology so that their likeness could be instantiated as part of the show.
Collaborator, Developer, and Designer
IKINEMA Orion for motion capture, HTC Vive, Unity, C#, Placenote SDK, Photon Networking, and ARKit
Augmented Environments Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology
Six Performances in February 2019
The Office of the Arts, DramaTech, and Jennifer Edwards