Invisible Cities  A Mixed Reality Community Play Space

From 2015 to 2017, Georgia Tech experienced a number of conflicts and tragedies, the most tragic being the police shooting of Scout Shultz. The university had taken some proactive steps but an artistic engagement was never manifested.

The competitive campus culture at Tech makes such expressions from students rare. As a result, there was an invisible Georgia Tech that is hurting and needs help. In an effort to provide an outlet for cathartic artistic expression, I propose the development of an augmented reality application that enables students to turn the campus into an invisible sculpture garden.

Students are able to build abstract sculptures using cubes. When finished, they can place that AR sculpture into reality on campus. They can include a message explaining why they created what they did. Once the sculpture is in reality, other students can add to it and make changes. Students can also add annotations to explain why they added or modified an AR statue. Through this process, these sculptures become a living documentary of the life at Georgia Tech.

Each additional sculpture clarifies our students’ attitudes towards campus and the university’s culture.

General Information

Project Role

Lead Researcher, Senior Developer, and Project Manager

Downloads Views

Over 100

Tech Stack

Unity, C#, MapBox, arKit, and arCore

Affiliated Research Lab

Augmented Environments Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology

Publications and Presentations

CHI Play 2018 (Forthcoming)

Still Available

On iOS


Final App


Leading VIP Undergraduate Researchers

As part of the CCI grant, I led a team of seven undergraduates and one masters student to design and develop Invisible Cities.

The Design Process

Master's Student Gaby Shangguan

Student Interviews

Competitve Analysis

Affinity Board

User Storyboard